Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ladies in Red

My companion doesn't like red flowers.

We are still talking, but only just.

How could anyone not like red roses?


Dahlias aren't everyone's cup of tea,
but these red ones were very smart, if a bit buttoned up.

This acid coloured Rhododendron was screaming RED, in a high pitched, hysterical voice.

We didn't hang around for long.

This demure, delicate Scabious merely murmured 'red', as we passed.

This husky, dark red Rhododendron wanted to meet up later for a glass of Merlot.

This sunny Aqueligia seemed happy to just smile.

A shy, little pheasant hen. This seems to be my week to snap birds.


Gardenmomma Chris said...

Great shots! How could you NOT like those flowers?

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

It's very easy to not like red roses. :-D For me they are sooooooo cliche and I prefer the white ones. The only red I can stand in the garden is a rich burgundy red. Ordinary red is just too loud and hurt my eyes.

Lovely pics though and it is fine that we all have different tastes, otherwise all gardens would look the same! ;-)

Maece said...

I think that roses in general are cliche - but there's nothing wrong with red as a color! Bright colors, intriguing shapes, and general uniqueness of plants - that's what does it for me :D