Monday, April 28, 2008

Rough on Rats


One can never be too rough on rats.

If you love them, please look away now.

I don't care for them.

I tend not to be particularly generous towards them.

And yes, I have seen and enjoyed the film Ratatouille.


Cartoon rats are lovely.

They talk and have feelings.

You can turn off the telly when you have had enough.

I understand that some folk keep them as pets.

It's the wild variety that make the hairs stand up on my arms, legs, back of my neck, on top of my head, as well as other places.

Little One found a dead rat in the pool yesterday.

A big rat.

A big, dead rat.


So, I phone my wise and knowledgeable little brother.

When is it safe to swim in a pool in which a rat had died
(and sunk to the bottom?)

He was very reassuring, but didn't have a definitive answer.


I have many more rat stories to tell.

But, enough for now.

Myrtle x

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