Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hampton Court Water Beauties

Yes, there is a bit of a water theme emerging at the moment. But, it has been hot. Really hot. Especially in London and on the trains.

On my way back, I was sitting across the aisle from a couple, whom I initially assumed were mother and son. They appeared 'respectable', however one comes to such conclusions. They sat at a table, across from two, young women. The couple immediately started to argue very loudly, the younger man calling the older woman an old cow. She just laughed and growled something at him, which I could not understand.

The two young women quickly found other seats.

The odd couple then proceeded to spread out; chomping loudly on cheesey whot-sits, reading cheap novels, whilst bickering and putting their feet up on the seats. The older woman said very loudly to the younger man, 'Your feet stink'.

She was right. They did.

The younger man looked at her with contempt and sneered 'Spray them, if they are bothering you.'

So she did. I have no idea what she used. It could have been hairspray. She continued to growl at the young man, things which I could not understand.

I just looked out the window and thought of lotuses, waterlillies and sailing in the calm waters of Cornwall. x

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