Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Poison ponds

Carrying on with the water theme - I found out that one of the tricks of the trade of garden show folk is to put black ink into show ponds. Water's ability to reflect is apparently increased by being darker. Once it was pointed out to me, I was amazed by how many ponds had the black ink treatment. Weird. Great for winning medals, bad for wildlife: frogs, fish, and, my own favourite, water lilies.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's very interesting and sad at the same time. I'll remember that next time I'm marveling over a great looking pond in a gardening magazine.

And welcome to Garden Voices.

Myrtle Luma said...

The black ink thing seems to be a show garden trick - these gardens are only up and running for a week at the most. They are then dismantled. It is just funny to think of them dying the water for effect.

Anonymous said...

This is sort of bizarre...but somehow not surprising. It's true -- the darker the water, the better the reflection.

The Inadvertent Gardener