Sunday, July 16, 2006

Lobsters and Rabbits


A gardening friend called in the other day, with the gift of some young, squash plants. Thanks Melanie.

I love squash. I love the idea of growing my own food. I also love lobster.

I was advised against trying to introduce lobsters into my little pond in the back garden. I was told that It just wouldn't work. I thought it was a great idea.

I hope to make a Squash Risotto later this summer. Possibly with a side dish of lobster. Just joking, Louis.

Not Dinner

My neighbor came round the other day, to inform me of yet another new member of our ever increasing menagerie - a Wild Bunny.

I took this picture early this morning. The bunny is just left of the chair.

Rabbits are not popular with some gardeners, as a couple of bunnies can annihilate a flower or vegetable bed in minutes. And, as we all know, they can also reproduce very quickly. But, as I have very few tasty flowers, my vegetables are in tall, raised beds, and she appears to be on her own, Bonny the Wild Bunny is welcome to stay and graze on the clover in the lawn.

But my neighbor left, muttering something about digging out an old recipe for Rabbit Pie . . .

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